Gelmir before he built Volcano Manor there. Rykard also inherited the magical curiosities of his mother and studied hexes in Mt. However, she did not wish to have that destiny and escaped it. Unlike her brothers, she was actually up for replacing Marika along with Miquella and Malenia since they all inherited Empyrean blood. This would explain part of why she destroyed her original body and bound her soul to a doll. In fact, fans believe Ranni holds a grudge against the Greater Will, Marika, and Radagon for what they did to her mother. Ranni is the child most close to her mother, and she dedicated herself to magic. Radahn also inherited skills in magic from his mother, Rennala, and studied gravity magic. The truth is that the lions are there because Radahn looked up to Godfrey. He is often mistaken by fans for Godfrey's son because he has lions (the symbol of Godfrey) on his armor. Radahn inherited his father's red hair and loved to show it off (despite Radagon actually hating his red hair). Marika took in Radahn, Ranni, and Rykard as her stepchildren. Radagon and Rennala's relationship did not last, though, as Marika banished her consort, Godfrey, and bid that Radagon return to her and become her consort. Rennala is royalty (not a god), but since Radagon is a god, they had three demigod children: Radahn, Ranni, and Rykard. Radagon meant to go to war with Rennala and her people, but they fell in love and got married. The relationship between Rennala and Radagon is very important in Elden Ring.